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Rolul artei este sa faca inteles ceea ce sub forma unui argument ar deveni incomprehensibil. ~Brancusi |
Nem vittél be fényképet
Lakóhelye: New York
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Önéletraj alex bâcu
Személyes web olda alex bâcu
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Önéletraj alex bâcu
2001 - proiect video - "Ceci N'est pas un Film"
2001 - 2002 - numeroase lucrari fotografice publicate in reviste de importanta minora.
2002 - castigator al festivalului de poezie "Noptile de Poezie de la Curtea de Arges"
2002 - Premiul Editurii Convorbiri Literare si premiile revistelor "Poesia", "Convorbiri Literare", APLER, "Vatra", "Colloquium"
2003 - debut in publicatia on-line respiro www.revistarespiro.com
2003 - expozitie de arta conceptuala "the eloquence of the ready made", amherst college, massachusetts
2003 - documentare video a seriei de happeninguri - "the architecture of the routine: confrontations 1-4"
2003 - proiect internet de documentare a practicii tatuajelor comemorative - www.memorialtattoo.com (momentan indisponibil)
2003 - absolvent al sectiilor de economie si arte plastice la Amherst College, MA
2003 - volum de debut "prozaice himere" publicat sub pseudonimul Alexandru Bacu Coflescu la editura Convorbiri Literare
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